Sound Journey, Sound Healing, Soul Tension

Sound heals. It has the ability to relax the brain. The surface of our consciousness is always striving for health. A relaxed brain gives the reins to our subconscious, and it itself removes fears, taboos, anxieties and smoothes spasms of the mind. Sound is the conductor in this process.

Healing sound journeys that I create last from 40 minutes to an hour. You close your eyes and surrender to the sound. It leads you, changing space and sense of time. From the familiar material world you get into the space of your imagination. By recapitulating memory cards, Healing Sound Journeys has a very positive effect for trauma healing process nad non-attachment praxis. This is a general sound technic, that leads to mental and physical wellbbeing.

However, with such sound practic, as with psychedelics, it is important to know the measure: if you use it every day, then the deep relaxing effect may disappear and become minimal. Remember that the healing sound is not a trip, but a journey that has a potential to bring you to a better state that you are now.